Sunday, June 28, 2009

I'm Back!!

Hi! I arrived home at 1:00 AM last night. Whew! Glad to be home! Haven't had time to upload pics yet, but I took a lot, so prepare yourselves! I had a great time in DC, but am very happy t0 be back in SD.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Library Fun

Today Ceci and I went to storytime at the library. We heard some stories and made a Father's Day present---a rock that says "Dad, You Rock!" We had a good time. Here is a pic. Shhh....Daddy hasn't got his present yet, so don't tell!!!!

How in the world can kids sit like this??????????????

Rain and Sunshine

Monday was a very rainy day in Britton--around 4 inches of the wet stuff!! Tuesday was a different story, and we spent the afternoon at the pool with Carrie A and Carrie J and families! It was a fun day!!!

A Sunny Fun Weekend

We spent Saturday evening and Sunday afternoon at the Azure home on Buffalo Lake, our lake home away from home! What would summer be like without them! We had a bonfire Saturday evening and did some boating on Sunday. It was a ton of fun!!

The Neiland's brought puppies and Ceci loved them!!

Carrie, Tim, Ceci, Puppy!


The water was cold so Ceci stayed in the boat.

The big boat--fun!!!!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

A Tribute

Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy

Hard to believe it has been a year since Tim Russert passed away. He was my favorite news commentator. I really missed him during the past election. RIP.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Ever Noticed How Hilly Webster is?

I went to Webster tonight to run the Dewangen 5K. Wow! It was a very hilly, confusing course! I was pooped! There were four other Britton women running and also a fellow counselor and co-worker.
Glad to be done.......all in the name of good health!!

My first race in my much younger days! Good motivation!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

The Big 4-0 Bday Party!

My dear friend, Teri, turned 40 on Saturday. Her husband, Troy, planned a surprise party for her in Eden. We had a fabulous time! Teri loves to have fun, and this occasion was no different than most involving her! I got to see some people I hadn't seen in quite a while, and Wendell and I had a terrific time!All 40 year-olds need Depends, right?

Teri had lots of 40 year-old paraphernalia

Tim also liked Teri's glasses and princess cup

Three amigos-Michelle, Sheila and Teri

FIVE Amigos!! Yee haa!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Ceci and her Friend

Ceci and I stopped at "the shop" tonight and Ceci got to sit on her buddy Win's lap. He had been buffing the aluminum on his truck (One of those trucker things) and needless to say, was a mess! Luckily, I don't think she got dirty! Have a good, cold, wet, weekend!!

Thursday, June 4, 2009


OK, I couldn't resist. Doesn't it look like Ceci is striking a pose for America's Next Top Model? Look at those legs! And that dirty face!

The Fantastic Four

Tonight I went to Sisseton to have supper with Carrie, Jen and Mindy. We TRY to get together periodically, but I wish it could be more often! We are all busy, busy, busy! It's hard to believe we've known each other for nearly 15 years! Here's to great friends, always!!