Wednesday, September 30, 2009

More Concert News

RJ is also a recent concert go-er, attending the Kings of Leon concert in St. Louis tonight. Hope he is enjoying himself! I heard this CD more times than I care to mention this summer. What a crew...........

Joan Jett

Yes, I love rock and roll! Wendell and I attended the Joan Jett concert at the Magic last Friday. Our friends Mike and Michelle had front row tickets that they shared with us. Joan can still rock, even though she is in her 50's. She put on a great show! Rock on!!

Look at those buff arms!

Wendell watched the keyboard player more than Joan. Strange.

Wendell and I ;O)

Below is a somewhat blurry version of I Love Rock and Roll

Sunday, September 20, 2009

A Great Day to be Outside!

This video is for RJ!! He says he really misses Cecilia, so I am going to try and post some videos. I need to get out the camcorder, as my camera does not take the best videos.

We started painting our garage floor today. We had hoped to get it done before graduation, but the weather didn't cooperate! Ceci was a big help!

Hope you all have a great week!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Big Weekend in Aberdeen

Last night Wendell, Cecilia and I went to Aberdeen for the Britton-Hecla/Roncalli football game. Unfortunately, the Braves lost 15-19, but played tough against a good Cavalier team. We'll get them in the playoffs!!!!!

We met up with Wendell's sister Tammy and her husband Rodney. Ceci had fun playing, and I had fun cheering!

While this was taking place, Kevin Costner was at Northern State University speaking at the South Dakota Film Festival. I believe it has been 20 years since Dances with Wolves came out. Kind of neat to have a famous actor in town!

It's been a busy, sort of stressful week at school. We continue to be thankful for all that we have, and pray for those who are facing challenges. Cherish EVERY day!!

Ceci at the game

Kevin Costner in Aberdeen

Ceci getting ready to go to church

Monday, September 7, 2009

Sckerl Reunion

With Labor Day weekend comes the Sckerl Reunion! We gathered once again at Rose and Randy Heitmann's house. It was fun to see relatives from near and far. Ceci had fun with cousins Austin and Josephine. She also picked a bunch of apples which is one of her favorite pastimes!

Sadly, summer is disappearing, but I am happy to be back at school, even though I am still a bit overwhelmed!
Josephine and Cecilia

Ever tried getting three 2-year-olds to take a picture? Great fun!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Football Moon

I "borrowed" this from my friend Gretchen. The late summer moon is often very full and pretty at the Britton-Hecla football games. She got a great shot! It was a great night for football!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Ceci's First Horse Ride

Melody's horses are very friendly!

Today Cecilia got to ride, or sit on, my friend Melody's horse. It was such a beautiful day, and Ceci had a great time with the horses, dog and cat. She wasn't too sure about sitting on the horse, so we had her dolly give it a try first! Later that evening we went to the football game, which the braves won, 35-0. Go Braves!

We are enjoying our four day weekend and are looking forward to seeing the family at the Sckerl reunion. Enjoy the weekend!