Hi all! Well summer is flying by, as it usually does. We have had a quiet July in anticipation of August and all of the back to school actvities! Here are a few pics of what we have been doing!
We spent Father's Day at my parent's farm. We drove around and looked at the water levels. They are down from spring, but still quite high. It's amazing how the path of the creek has changed and eroded the land in the past 15 years.
The *&%#@ River! (According to my Dad)
A view of my parent's land, looking toward the west. The creek from Clear Lake to Roy Lake runs through their land.
My mom, brother Paul, Ceci and I went to Storybook Land in June. Ceci really liked the carousel. She is still a bit leary of the animals and storybook characters.
Loving the carousel!
Looking tired on the carousel!
Ceci and Grandma Mary
We were invited to the Smith cabin on Clear Lake. Ceci played in the water and the older kids kayaked, as you can see below. It was a gorgeous evening!
Here are some of Grandpa and Grandma's cows. RJ has had the pleasure of working for my parents again this summer. He works cattle, fixes fence, mows, rakes and hays! He seems to like it, homecooked meals and hours he can enjoy.