Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Flood detour adds time to drive on I-29 - KTIV NewsChannel 4 Sioux City IA: News, Weather and Sports

Flood detour adds time to drive on I-29 - KTIV NewsChannel 4 Sioux City IA: News, Weather and Sports

RJ recently went to St. Louis for the summer and had to take a detour on I-29 because of flooding. He went by this crew while they were filming this segment. What a year for weather! Water, water, water!!!!!

Sunday, June 12, 2011


RJ left for STL today. He plans to spend the summer with his day and then do who knows what?  It was hard to see him go, as it may be his last extended stay at home.  I really WISH HIM the BEST!!!  Remember, you can DO ANYTHING you put your mind to!!

Saturday, June 11, 2011


Cecia had her dance recital a few weeks ago.  She had a great time and despite a little nose picking, she had a great time and was a great perfomer!   Tip toe through the tulips!!

Here is a pic we took for Mr. K's resignation party.....Ceci and he had special bond, and he always teased her with this lizard, miss you Mr. K!

RJ and Ceci after the recital

Ceci and her buds!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

A Weekend of Rivers and Jungles

It was an interesting summer weekend!  Last week Ceci attended the St. John's Lutheran Vacation Bible School.  The theme was A Jungle Adventure with Jesus.  On Sunday the kids presented what they learned which included many songs with actions that Ceci (kind of) knew. 

Later that day, I talked my dear friend, Carrie Azure, into kayaking the creek that runs through my parents farm from Clear Lake to Roy Lake.  We were a bit apprehensive about going under a narrow bridge where the water was flowing rather quickly.  Little did we know that our source of angst would be four legged creatures.....BULLS!  We had to pass through the neighbor's land first and my dad regreted to tell me about the 15-20 bulls he had in the pasture.  We caused a bit of a stampede (felt a little like the running of the buffalo on Dances with Wolves) and did the same with my dad's cows (thanks RJ for fixing that fence), but made it through OK.  I did manage to tip over twice, I will blame it on the one paddled oar.  Who knew that large carp jump out of the water in certain spots of the creek. 

I have to thank Carrie profusely, as it was my hair-brained idea.  I have always wanted to do it.  The land was gorgeous.  We often commented, "How did the Natives and settlers survive back in the day?"

This week I have been working and we also frequented the pool on the super hot days.  Thursday and Friday I am headed to the Horshoe Ranch near Kimball for a SDSCA officer's meeting.  I hope to bond with my fellow counselors and learn a few new things. 

Hope you are all having a great summer!!!

CARRIE AZURE!!! My kayaking buddy!!!
The Bulls!!!
The end of the trip, beautiful!
Beaver dam
Looks a little like the bayou
I am officially a creek kayaker!
Vacation Bible School!
Will and Ceci

Will and Ceci

Will and Ceci
Will and Ceci
Aren't they silly???
All of the kids!  What a crew!

Will, Jackson, others, Ceci is "hiding" behind Will

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Friday, June 3, 2011

A Sad Day

I am so sad to report that my brother Paul passed away on Sunday, May 29.  He had battled cancer in the past year and had not been feeling well lately.  His funeral was Thursday.  It is a very sad time and I pray for his soul in heaven with the Father and Jesus!  I know he is in a better place now and is free of pain and suffering.  He was a great brother who I know loved me and I loved him.  Rest in peace, Paul!