Monday, October 6, 2008

The Morning After

With every successful wedding comes the morning after! Wendell, RJ and I gave Tim A. and his brother-in-law a ride to get their cars. Needless to say, the gate to the ski park was locked, so we had to take matters into our own hands! The pictures tell the story!

Tim says, "I think we can make it." The planning begins.

"Right. No left. Straight. You're good!"

"You've got 5 on the left. You've got 3 on the right".

Life is an adventure!

1 comment:

jen said...

Hi Sheila!
Those pictures are hilarious and I'm sure there is a good story that goes with it:) I hope you are having a good school year. I'm desperately trying to finish up my dissertation and plan to graduate in December! Have a great week...