Saturday, October 31, 2009


Ceci had a FABULOUS Halloween!!! It was a great day and pleasant evening for trick or treating! We went to some houses with our neighbor Bette and her grandkids. She loved being a princess, and really seemed to "get" Halloween this year.

This princess outfit includes a baby!!!

Heading out into a nice Halloween night!

Ceci and Bette's grandaughters are ready to trick or treat!

Ceci poses after returning from Steens and getting her pic taken on Friday.

Ceci continues to like to stack things, with a little help from Daddy!


Azure Family said...

Ahhhh! She looks so precious in her princess outfit... she is growing up huh? And we deserved the nice weather huh? TTYL

RunnerGirlJRo said...

She is sooo darling and a perfect fit for a princess!