Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Crazy Chicks!

On Saturday, my friend Carrie James and I will be running the Fargo Marathon.  We've been training since January, I've just been afraid to actually type the words.....it makes it seem too real!!!!  Hopefully we are ready.  We've tackled a 20+ mile run and survived, so we are hopeful that has prepared us!  I will let you all know how long it takes us.  They are predicting lots of sun and a breeze.  We are pretty used to running in the cold and snow, so it will be a challenge!  Keep us in your thoughts! 

Here are some pics from the past!

Finishing a 10k Off Road Race in August

The Pumpkin Run in Webster in October---Brrr!!!

1 comment:

jen said...

Way to go, Sheila!!!! You did it-what a great accomplishment. I can't wait to hear all about it!