Saturday, October 2, 2010

Heading into Fall

Wow, it is October!  I hear it may have froze last night, but my uncovered plants look OK.  Last night Carrie J. and I decided to go for a run.  We got a ride to the North Dakota border and ran back to Britton.  There was a north wind, which helped us complete the 10 miler!  It got dark earlier than we expected, and we also had to contend with a dog that wanted to follow us.  Luckily a deputy was fueling up at the cop shop and he took the dog home for us.  Just as we got to town we heard the coyotes howling.  Spooky!!  It was a lot of fun! 

Otherwise, we are staying busy with school, pasture cattle and preschool activities such as dance, library time and other fun stuff.  Tomorrow is our church's Octoberfest which is always fun. Hope everyone has a great weekend!!!

 Ceci in her leotard

 Elton John?

 Isn't this a cool pic?  Ceci, Maggie and the prairie
 Can you say football in September weather?
Ceci and Brittany had fun with Ceci's stuffed animals

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