Saturday, February 5, 2011


You would have thought that with 4 days off from school I would have gotten these posted sooner, but no such luck.  Here are some pictures from my SURPRISE 40th bday party (thanks everyone!) and from Ceci's 4th bday party. 

I thought I was going to the Lodge with some friends when we stopped in Lake City, but the got me good with a surprise party instead.  It was GREAT to have my family and friends all there! 

The next day we had a Sunday dinner, red beers and whist to honor Ceci's bday.  OK, she didn't have all of those, but had many presents and a cake. 

We are so blessed!!

Shots with the girls

Missy, Lori, Carrie and Kris

My best buddy Michelle was there!

What a bunch!  Heading out from the VFW.  Did I mention it was -25 below?

Cowgirl Ceci and Monte

Celine and a friend had Ceci "All dolled up"

Make a wish!

Mom, Aunt Maxine and Matlock

Maybe I should have cropped the bottom of this pic?  Thanks Janel

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