Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thanksgiving Weekend

Thanksgiving weekend is winding down. Wednesday night we played cards at my parent's house. Thanksgiving day we spent in Groton at the house of Wendell's sister. It was great to see his family. We drove to Aberdeen that afternoon for some shopping. Ceci and I have been busy cleaning and playing.

My running partner, Carrie, and I had wanted to go to Warner Saturday morning for the Wobble Gobble 5k, but our husband's schedules didn't work in our favor. Instead, we went for a chilly 3- miler around Britton. Exercise is a must after all the good food I enjoyed this weekend!

We have a busy week ahead, as the holiday season gets into full swing. Hope everyone had a great turkey day weekend!

Ceci loves playing with RJ's Transformer toy. Maggie, the dog, also enjoys it!

Since I didn't get a Wobble Gobble pic, I decided to share RJ and me preparing for my first 5k in 1995. Ugh, has it been that long ago?

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