Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Ceci loves puzzles. Daddy, on the other hand, is getting rather tired of them! He can't say no!

Wow, snow and cold is the name of the game this winter! We did not have school Monday and have been late every other day this week! I haven't gotten to sleep in though, with student and teacher meetings pretty much every day. It was about -24 degrees this morning as I drove to Aberdeen for a testing meeting. Yuck!

We play Roncalli Friday night and Castlewood Saturday. Wish the Braves luck! We are pleased to be #10 in the state. Hopefully we continue to be successful. It has been a wonderful season. RJ's picture was in the Britton Journal this week.

Cecilia has grown up before my eyes during the past month. She's starting to talk more as she approaches 2. She still struggles to say RJ--it usually comes out as Dar-Dar or something like that! She loves puzzles and is becoming very good at putting them together!


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