Sunday, May 10, 2009

The Week Before Graduation

Boy, there are so many things I should be doing besides blogging, but I am addicted! RJ has finally made a college choice--he will be attending Lindenwood University in St. Charles, Missouri, which is just outside of St. Louis. He plans to major in sports marketing, and may play basketball.

His mother is busy preparing for graduation, aka, pulling her hair out! What a big day for which to prepare! Carrie Azure came to help on Saturday. We washed windows and cleaned the garage. Wendell is really the one who is pulling out his hair, having to live with me!

Celine watched Cecilia and they had a blast. Today we went to Aberdeen for last minute shopping and Mother's Day dinner at McDonalds (Ceci's favorite).

Wish me luck in getting through the week!!

Fun with stickers!

Ceci gets a new 'do from Celine

Celine, Ceci and Monte

1 comment:

Azure Family said...

ohhh, aren't they cute?!!:) See you Tuesday. Hope it's not raining. Had to come home w/Celine today. She's not feeling well. :( but is fine! :)