Sunday, February 15, 2009

RJ's Final Parents' Night

Saturday night was RJ's final parents' night. I won't say it was mine last one because hopefully Cecilia plays sports. Ceci actually had to stay home because she is battling an ear infection and possibly strep.
The Braves came back from a 17 point deficit to beat Warner by one point by a score of 61-60! It feels great to win, even though my throat hurts from yelling! Darn refs and opposing team players! RJ had 13 points. I celebrated the win out on the town in Britton with friends Terri and Troy who came up from Sioux Falls to watch the game. We were joined by Kris and Kirk and Coach Storley and his wife. We had a good time reminiscing about old times in Eden and Roslyn. Gotta do that once in a while. Next is a home game with TZ. Should be interesting!
Ceci loves playing in the detergent!

Taking it easy!

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