Sunday, July 26, 2009

Fun in the Sun

Wendell and Ceci in their biker black!
What a cool chic.....borrowing Celine's sweater

Ceci earned a T-Shirt for the summer reading program
Ceci and the other readers
Ceci and her certificate

We had a good weekend. Wendell went on a motorcycle ride up into North Dakota with Tim A. Ceci and I went to Carrie's and hung out. We went back up on Sunday to pick up Wendell's bike. We went for a boat ride which was fun on a hot summer day! Have to take advantage of summer while it is still here!

Here are a few pics from the Summer Reading Program party that was held a couple of weeks ago at the library. Ceci loves going to the library!

And, a couple of pics from the weekend!

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